Thursday, December 13, 2012

Really, my dream is to get up every day around 8am, slip into my robe and slippers, fix and eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and then head out back to my studio shed to work.  I’ll get dressed around noon or before breakfast, depending on my mood and agenda for the day, and I’ll work out there in that shed until 6 or 7 o’clock, working for myself, making my own hours, my own money, and calling my own shots.  All this other stuff that I’m running myself ragged to accomplish are back-up plans, just-in-case-these-eggs-don’t-hatch, plans.  But I feel like time is running out on me, and I have to begin etching out the living that I truly want right now instead of …someday…soon. Yet I’m spending all my time focusing on the safety net, the “just-in-case” plan B.  I need it now.  I’m inching closer to 40 as I type this, and with a birthday coming up in January, doing what I truly want to do with my life is at the forefront of my mind.  So, I’m giving myself a deadline to be done with this other stuff – summer 2013.  That’s it and that’s all, God willing.  If I continue to work on this other stuff, it will be in my spare time, life permitting.  I’m going to save up enough money for my safety net and then I’m going to go full throttle at my dreams.  To be fair, though, I haven’t completely left them unattended on the back burner.  I’ve kept them in sight, stirring the pot from time to time.  I just haven’t focused enough of my attention on them.  That’s going to change very soon. 

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