Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valerie's Arc

At this moment, if I were approached by God and asked to build an arc and load it with things that should be kept and saved before a massive flood wipes out everything on Earth, I’d select more family members from my ex’s family than members from my own family. My own family disappoints me immensely. So, on my arc I would keep my mother and son, one of my 7 aunts and four of my 5 uncles, 4 of my 30+ cousins, my brother, Daryl…and that’s about it. Whoever said that you can only choose your friends and not your family, was an idiot.

1 comment:

trE said...

I know exactly of what you speak... For the past month, I've been shown that family can really break you... but, I'm pushing through it all... Thank God for prayer and blogging...