Monday, August 22, 2011

Back at square one (with spoilers)

Ugh! I might as well just stay here since I inevitably end up at this very spot time and time again. This evening my ex's sister invited me to a posh movie theater with cushy recliners and waiters bringing me free food and dessert all night, to see the movie "One Day," and it was the most realistic and depressing love story I'd ever seen. It wasn't fake romance, the kind of the love that many many movies have portrayed where the couple ends up together and everything is perfect in the end. Nope, not at all. It was sad and pathetic and realistic. The kind of real life love story we go to the movies to escape. I'm glad this was free and, were it not for the cushy recliners and the delicious free food (God, that lemonade was to die for) I'd be pissed that I wasted an evening watching that movie. And what's worse is, Anne Hathaway's character did exactly what so many women I know do - she led a miserable life, pining over a man who was living his up until he couldn't live it up any longer and had nothing left but baggage and nowhere else to he settled down with her, the woman he'd loved all along but never more than he'd loved himself. And then she gets hit by a bus. And she dies.
When the movie ended my ex's sister and my 26 year old niece and I could only sigh at one another and relate. Men are stupid and we love them anyway, like idiots. Why does love have to be so complicated?
I'm rambling, it's late, and I believe I'm being lied to, once again. I'm always skeptical but I'm usually right. I wish I weren't though. Guess I'll grab a blanket and get cozy over here at square one. Looks like I'll be here a while.
Good night.


trE said...

I saw the trailer and thought to myself, "Yeah, I won't be going to see this one." Glad sticking to my guns on not viewing this flick has been confirmed.

Me said...

I'm glad it was free. Otherwise, I might have to hurt somebody for a refund.