Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Update: "Heel, Rex!!"

A couple of posts down I mentioned how we'd left our puppy in the backyard while we went to work. Well, my son went home during his lunch break and discovered the yard empty. He looked high and low, he called me, I panicked. I called my mom, she panicked. Within half an hour we'd made a missing puppy report with Animal Control and I'd driven home and broken several traffic laws in the process. But when I turned onto my street I saw my son carrying our puppy across the street from our neighbors' house. Long story short, they put him back in the yard and made him think he was left alone again. Thats when they witnessed him climb our chain link fence, lol. So basically, all this time he's been humoring us by staying in the yard whenever we're home and outside with him. He could've left whenever he felt like it. Smh. He climbed the fence super fast, too. Like he was walking up a wall. This is even more reason for me to hurry up and have the new fence installed.


trE said...

OMG! I'm so far behind now! You've a dog! YAY! I'm so glad he is safe and sound and nothing harmful happened to him... *reads the previous entries for a serious update*

Me said...

Hey Tre! :) Yeah, I finally got a dog. Can't EVEN believe it most days. But what sucks is we don't have any doggy-sitters and he can't go to doggy day camp until his balls are cut off. So today will be my son's second day missing work because we have nowhere to put the dog. I was rubbing his belly last night and saw a wound under one of his front legs, probably from climbing our fence to escape. He panics when he's been left alone. Poor doggy.