Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I love the fine lines that I am developing around my eyes, the twang in my voice that doesn’t quite say where I come from, my belly, my curves, my feet, my round face, the way I hold my mouth when I’m deep in thought, the way I cook, live, and love. There is nothing about me that annoys me or that I cannot live with. I see my vast potential clearly, as well as how great I already am, so I don’t feel the need to worry myself with trying to convince someone else of all this. I’m extremely lovable :) If no one ever sees it, that’s their loss, not mine. I’ve tried explaining this to a friend of mine but she doesn’t get it. She clearly does not fully accept or view herself as whole, poor thing. The other day I received a chain email and since I’m a wee bit superstitious, I followed the instructions on this one before I deleted it. After reading all the way to the bottom of the email, it requested that I, the reader, make a wish for whatever it is that I want the most right now, or else the opposite will come true. I silently made a wish and it was not for a companion, lol. Although it did occur to me that others might expect me to wish for a man. I know better, though. No man could possibly make me any happier than I already am. And if I should find someone whose happiness is MY happiness, well, that would be fantastic! That would just make me even more awesome and fortunate than I already am… although, I’m hardly complaining over my current bounty of good fortune. People are people; none of us is Prince or Princess Charming. And finding someone who won’t disappoint, whose idiosyncrasies you can live with, who is like-minded and has all of the qualities that you need in a mate, is a real bitch. Fools rush in.

There was a time when I used to wonder if my ex was as good as it gets. I was judging him through someone else’s eyes, though, not my own. It took me years to realize that I could never know whether or not he is the best I could do because I won’t get to date every man I could potentially date and compare him to. And that’s fine with me because what I DO know is that he was no longer making me happy and life is primarily about being happy. I was downright miserable with that controlling man. Then one day I decided to shut out others’ worthless opinions about my happiness and listened to my own truth, which said that I would be happier on my own than with him. So I decided to go and, lo and behold, I found peace. Imagine that. So if he had been the cream of the crop that would have been really disheartening if I didn’t already love myself above all else. Anyway, I like the idea that I don’t have to do or be or please anyone but me (although pleasing others does, in fact, sometimes please me. Either way, it all comes back to me :) ). I understand that loving me is more than what some people are capable of. That’s why I don’t want to trouble myself with anyone who isn’t open to really trying.

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