Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kendrick Lamar reminds me of my youth. I grew up around, dated, and crushed on boys like him.  Listening to him is like listening to all of black L.A. Reminding me of Eric/Deluxe from FBI crew who tagged my name all over businesses up and down Jefferson, that boy whose name I can't remember who was friends with Crystal's boyfriend and got shot in the head that night when I was in the 10th grade, right in front of us. Crystal couldn't stop talking about the "yellow oozing" from his head, no matter how many times we told her to shut up. Chris riding around all day on his BMX. Dorsey football games.  Ditching class and walking to McDonald's. Rogers Park. Skate Land USA. Taco Pete! Man, I loved the beef burritos at Taco Pete. I remember the time this drunk couple left their baby at that taco stand, lol. Willowbrook Park and Lil Rob having a crush on me in 6th grade but I was scared of him and his super gangstered-out family. Mona and Kaniesha. Marion and her jheri curl.  Crystal and Trecie. Highland Elementary. World on Wheels. Carver Elementary. 24th Street School. Crenshaw on Sunday's. The Fox Hills Mall on Saturdays, ALL day long until closing.  We'd stand outside huddled in the cold at 9pm waiting for Crystal's mom, Willetta to come and pick us up. And I found boys like Kendrick to be cute. They liked me too. Mm hm.  As a matter of fact, he kind of looks like Rodarryl's little brother, Roc (Rocshaundrick).  Listening to Kendrick is like listening to home. I get happy feelings.  I am reminded of my life and where I came from, who I am, and where I always fit in.  My son, who was raised in Pasadena, just don't know. 

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