Saturday, July 16, 2011

Out with old, in with the new

All the things I don't need, that no longer (or never) benefit(ted) me, are being tossed out (physically and mentally), sold off, or repurposed in some way. Beginning with a yard sale. Hooray for yard sales! Hooray for a fresh and optimistic lifestyle with a clear mind state! The goal is to focus on what matters most and to build an unencumbered, stress-less life. No worries (easier said, of course), no strife (although some worry and strife are good for you. Makes you stronger), no frustration. I don't want to be a hoarder, especially of bullshit. So today finds me in a purging spirit, ready to donate, toss, sell off and accumulate less. Purging is truly good for the soul. Think of how relaxing a nice hotel room is on vacation with very little "stuff"in it. Then you return home and see all the clutter you've amassed and it becomes your focus (if youre a neat freak or anything like me. Im not a neat freak but I am pretty orderly). Plus, my goal is still to create a more meaningful home. After all, it's where I spend a large chunk of my time and where I go to rest and repair. I want my home to reflect the poetry of my life. Every odd and end should be a meaningful memento of the places I've been, the experiences I've had, and reminders of my loved ones. For instance, I love walking down my hallway and seeing my moms old modeling pictures, my sons baby pictures, and my stint at modeling hanging on the wall. Or my taro leaf bowl from Hawaii, or my grandmother's old sugar dish. The thing about simplicity is that it helps you focus on the things that matter most. And what really, truly matters doesn't really take up space ;) So no more overindulging in worthlessness. I'm on a buying hiatus indefinitely. I really don't need anything. Then maybe after my yard sale I'll take my earnings and go get a massage. Or maybe I'll invest it.


trE said...

you've inspired me to do this when we move this coming October :) I'm a neat freak and perhaps I'll do a yard sale this time around instead of going to Goodwill & various other places. the extra dough could come in handy for the new place. Good luck, Val!

Me said...

Yay! I loooove inspiring others :) I hope your move goes well and you are pleased with your new digs once youre settled in.