Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I expect that this year will be quite memorable. I’m anticipating many life changing events to occur. For one, this is my son’s final year of high school, which means that I will officially be done parenting. My job will become that of Lead Consultant :) and mentor. He is now a young man, on his way to becoming a grown man, and I am confident that I have taught him well. Now his life is his to decide and I hope he makes wise enough choices (with my guidance, of course). As he is putting around through his life, whenever he reaches an impasse or crossroads, he can call on me for advice and guidance. But all of his decisions once he graduates and turns 18 will be solely his to make. He will have to be the advocate of his fate. I’m going to try to make the transition as seamless and stress free as possible because I know the anxiety that comes with such a huge life changing event. After spending your life living the same script, once you graduate and have to begin something new (like leaving the nest) it’s pretty damn frightening, exciting, worrisome, etc.

In addition, I will have an empty nest and officially be single and free for the first time in 20 years. Wow. I was 17 years old when I met his dad. And since then, I have spent the majority of the last 20 years in a relationship and/or as a mother. By summer of this year, I will be neither in a relationship (I think) or a full time parent. I’m not sure what I will do with myself but I damn sure won’t be upset about it, lol. I’ll be free to do whatever I want! Whenever I want, however I want, with whomever I want. How amazing that will be, a new beginning for both of us, together. It’s funny to me that many of the people I know who are around my age, are all starting to get married and/or become first time parents, and I’m on a completely different path. The other day while blow drying my hair I spotted a long, silver strand in the back of my head. I gasped at first, surprised, and then I smiled. There is no way in hell I will pluck it; I earned that mother#!*@&$, and seeing it reminded me of how far I’ve come, how much I’ve accomplished, and where I am now in my life. I don’t feel old (I’m NOT old, since I started early), just much more mature, experienced and established. I no longer have daydreams of being an adult, wearing expensive heels, fancy dresses or suits, buying my first home or my first car, starting a family, or all the other romantic notions that people have before they’ve actually experienced adult life. I’ve been there, done that. These days my daydreams consist of traveling the world, starting a business, retiring early to Hawaii, and finding a partner with similar wants and needs to lie in the hammock next to me and sip mint julep lemonade, lol. Building a strong retirement portfolio stays on my mind. I’ve recently started making changes to my diet and daily routines. For one, I walk to the farmers market nearby almost every Saturday and stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. I’m in excellent shape for my age, and I’m proud of that. I look damn good in the mirror ;) Rawr! And, most importantly, I am content. I’m not rushing about, trying to get to some imaginary destination before time runs out like I was in my 20s. I’ve already made it to 30 and beyond. I’m relaxed and focused, sipping and savoring, enjoying every single moment of my life. There’s no fire to put out, no castles to build, no ground to lay. I’ve done all that, now it’s time to reap the fruits of my labor.

And since today is V-day, here’s my boo, 3-Stacks to serenade y’all. Have a happy and blessed day loving on your loved ones <3.


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