Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me…

…and I’m feeling good. Woke up this morning right on schedule and didn’t feel tired at all. I slept so well that the bed was practically still made when I got out of it. I even had time to make myself some oatmeal and try something different with my hair. I’m not stressed, not even about the things I could be stressed about. Why worry? Life happens. I haven’t been sweating much of anything lately, which is coo-de-la in my book. Today the plant maintenance lady at my job put me on to some spectacular container gardens on Pinterest, some of which I plan to emulate. I strung solar lights around the top of my pergola a couple of weeks ago and every evening when they’re lit up, twinkling in the dark backyard, I beam. It’s going to be great sitting out there in the spring and summer with the fire pit lit, blankets and beverages at dusk. I’ve been really minding my money lately, though, so I’m doing things slowly. I don’t have the clams to blow on a complete yard make-over in one sitting. But I’m still loving my gardener! I’m so glad that I decided to hire help. My son always did a half assed job. Anyway, I don’t have much to say today except that I’m in good spirits, feeling cozy in this rainy weather, and looking forward to more good days to come.
I'm looking at facebook right now and the daughter of a family friend posted a picture of herself captioned "pretty girl swag" and my first thought was "all the weave in the world won't be able to detract from that ugly face you have." I don't like her or her mother, mainly because they don't like me and neither have a reason not to, lol.  Well, other than the fact that they're both unattractive, I guess.
Anywhoo, enjoy your day, please.


trE said...

I should have read this entry before typing up mine. LOL... It definitely made me smile :)

Me said...

I just read your post and lol.