Monday, February 8, 2010

I'd rather be home cleaning my house

I wish we had snow days here. It'd be nice if they gave us the day off for rain and mudslides, but noooo. So I'm forced to work on mindless crap until the late afternoon today, when I could be home cleaning my house and regaining my peace of mind.
The frog contacted me last Thursday. I resuscitated him momentarily. He has some showing and proving to do and I aim to allow him to do it. Were it not for his sex appeal I'd have pissed on his grave and not skipped a beat. (what an awful image, lol)
Anyway, at least I'm no longer as smitten as I was. I think I have a better handle on the situation now. We'll see!
My house is a wreck. I need to clean it and meditate or something, regroup. Feng Shui the hell out of it.


trE said...

LOL @ "Feng Shui the hell out of it." At my job, we're barely given snow days... Last Friday was the first snow-day we were able to take and that was only b/c my boss was sick... I'm so sick and tired of snow right now... Ugh! Hope you're able to clean up your pad, lady... :)

Me said...

I've been on a cleaning frenzy! It's so cathartic, I just love looking around at my handiwork and lighting scented candles and RELAXING.