Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This fourth of july weekend i got the creeps

Last Friday night I got hoodwinked into driving an hour away from home to Ontario to celebrate a 60 year old long, LONG time family friends' birthday. My mother and uncle Bob went to Catholic school with him, they met in 2nd grade, so he goes way back with us. Back far enough that we consider him family. I grew up calling him "uncle".
Well, at the disco/bar/club birthday celebration at the hotel I was dragged to the dance floor with about six other women to surround the birthday geezer with "dancing Betty's". And while dancing like a maniac, he gleefully went from Betty to Betty, as cajoled, looking like Steve Martin in The Jerk, and when he stopped at me he suddenly lost his balance and head butted my bosom. O_O Ugh. Now, prior to this I'd noticed him checking out my "girls" periodically over his drink and then quickly looking away whenever I'd catch him. So I did not think for one moment that his stumble was innocent. Especially after I had confirmed with him that he was not drunk. This wasn't an isolated incident either. At previous family gatherings whenever I'd go to hug him goodbye he'd try to kiss me, so I would aim for his cheek. Well this time, this lousy pervert turned his face just in time for me to end up kissing him on the lips, instead of his cheek!! That was the 3rd strike and final straw. The gloves have come off and my temperment has been adjusted to HIGH. I will embarrass the hell out of him if he ever tries anything else. I mean loud, indiscreet and direct. I will attempt to draw blood and destroy his soul, if provoked. It's either me or him.
He is a creepy old man who cheated on his wife of 25 years with a girl that I grew up with, and I can't even pretend to imagine being remotely interested in his advances. I feel extremely violated and disgusted.

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