Friday, May 1, 2009

Beach ball tossing season is upon us

Time to peel off the layers now that the weather is warming up. Bikini’s have been in stores since early March for some bizarre reason, jumpstarting the season ridiculously soon and putting mad pressure on us hibernators to get fit. I know, because I took my jiggly ass into Target and Old Navy looking for workout clothes around that time and ended up annoyed with the lack of yoga pants on the racks. Retailers are too ambitious and not following seasonal protocol which dictates that around March we begin to reshape our curves (less is more, lol) and come June, we’re beach ready. So, unsurprisingly, I’m not ready. I have two cute new swimsuits though, that I bought at a super bargain. However, they may never see the beach this summer if I don’t get my rear into gear. I can't even say that I'm shorts ready :( I don't want to have to wear soccer mom shorts. Therefore, my goal is to haul ass and be bikini and shorts ready by the 4th of July weekend (Memorial Day weekend may be a bit too ambitious for me). It’s going to be challenging but I’m up for it. My son has started football practice and will be working extra hard himself with bootcamp/hell week on the horizon, so I plan to box and lift weights and run around the neighborhood with him after work and on weekends.

Now that it's in bold, black print, tossed out into the universe for others to see, I have to end my couch potato ways and force myself to complete this mission. And to further push myself, I will post before and after pics following the weekend of July 4th.
OMG, now I'm nervous. If anyone wants to join me in my suffering, please let me know :), lol.


rashad said...

I will hold you to this buddy!!!!

Me said...

lol, aw damn. thanks a lot.