Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For Mothers Day my Ex surprised me with a dozen roses and a home-cooked seafood dinner. I was so shocked, that I ran and got my camera and took about a dozen photos of my flowers and posted one on Facebook. Ha! I only recall ever receiving a single rose throughout our entire relationship together. (Some corny shit he thought was cool back in the day. I was just touched that he’d thought of me. Although, at the time I suspected he stole it from someone’s bouquet and figured he’d try to get some brownie points for having really done nothing at all.) And then after we broke up he bought me a mix of flowers that following year for Mother’s Day, which was just as nice as this years roses.

On the phone a couple of days prior to the rose surprise, while making plans to have him cook for me, he casually mentioned that he had never thought that he would wake up without me. His exact words. He went on to say that he knows he’s not perfect and that he made a bunch of mistakes throughout our relationship (amen) but even on his darkest days, when he was angry with me for leaving him and lashing out, he was really angry with himself. He never stopped loving me. I sat there and kind of did what they do on TV and stared off into the camera, you know? At that moment, I needed a witness. :)

Has he changed? Hmm, well, I’m not so sure. That still remains to be seen. Two bouquets of flowers, regular bible reading, and missing me isn’t hard enough proof, frankly. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m happy for him. He’s had an epiphany and that’s great, because he never believed me when I told him he was fucking up, lol. I’ve noticed small changes in him here and there but I don’t trust that his nature has completely changed, don't know if the person I could no longer live with is still within him. I’m not sure that I could ever live with him again but for now we are pretty good friends. Even better than before, and I couldn’t be happier about it. *Knock on wood


trE said...

*knocks wood for you too* I hope the friendship stays mighty and no one ends up getting hurt later on.

Me said...

He can be a comfort as well as a pain in the ass sometimes. Lately, hanging out with him has been all smiles and root beer floats though. I'm just wondering how long it'll last, lol.