Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's true; ignorance is bliss

I don’t want to know why a so-called friend said what he said and did what he did. I’m content with thinking he has issues and I shouldn’t take it personal at all. MOVING RIGHT ALONG. I don’t want to know what my ex is feeling because then I might care. I’d rather assume that his arms are folded and he’s in a huff because he is a girly, attitudinal retard and men are the new women :) I don’t really want to know if the guy I’m crushing on from afar is dating that girl in the Camry or not. Don’t bring me no bad news © the wiz. I’d rather remain comfortably unconscious, dreaming of me and him wrapped in each others arms, sharing bon bons on my couch. Actually, I need to remain detached right now because my nerves are doing HAND STANDS and everybody is trying to ride them. It’s not ideal. There’s too much stress floating in the air around me. Nothing but good news will be welcomed into my bosom starting right now. I just can’t take any negativity. I’m afraid I’ll absorb it and it’ll beat me © Ms Celie. I am currently winning in my oblivion, which is waaaay cool. My heart swelled when my friend Jenny sent me a link to a new Funny or Die clip that she directed. It had many funny moments and I was mighty damn proud of her. That’s my girl! And I needed that pick me up. Rock on, sister! Later on I’m going to continue the party with Nacho Libre, a new hair ‘do, lasagna from Maria’s (YUM!), no responsibilities, and NOT ONE DAMN CLUE.


Anonymous said...

I love this right here, "men are the new women" and I so have to use it. I so HAVE TO!

I pray that nothing but some positive thoughts, happenings, and events are drawn to you right now. I know how it is to want and need that :)

Me said...

haha! i can't take credit for that tho. an okp has it in HIS sig ;)
but it's true. oh boy, it's true!