Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I was supposed to go to the gym tonight

But since I'm not going I feel tremendously guilty. We've been in there strong, 3-4 days a week since January 1st. And today I just couldn't bring myself to get up and go and suddenly, I feel like a big fat failure. I'm afraid I'm going to fall off and all my efforts will have been for nothing. I'm going tomorrow, no matter what. I just have to get my mind right early in the day, I think.
This is what I forfeited cable TV for. I have to go.

I'm waiting on an email. I've been waiting since, oh, about 12pm today. It's not a good look, waiting on an email. It's all you can think about. Utterly distracting. So I close my laptop and walk away to do something else. But before long I'm wondering if the email has finally come so I check. And I check...and I check. Now the minute I finally give up on checking, the damn email is going to come. Watch. That's how these things always work. I hate this. I'm suspended in suspense.
Okay, I'm going to check one more time and then I'm shutting down the computer.


Carolinaware said...

As long as you went today...Don't beat yourself up too bad for not going. Just make sure you get there soon.

Me said...

Thanks :) This morning I laid my workout clothes across the bed so as soon as I walk in the door I can get dressed and get out while I still have momentum, lol. I'll be glad when this becomes a habit.

trE said...

LOL @ you and that email... Ahh, I miss being excited about waiting on responses in email form...