Sunday, April 25, 2010

I like to think I make him smile

I like to think that whenever he thinks of me or hears my name a smile spreads across his face and his eyes light up. His eyes are gorgeous, his mouth is too. I've been sort of flirting with this guy who's a bit younger than me (aren't they all :/) and I don't think he knows it, which is kind of my intent. I don't want him to quite know it. I just want him to smile when he thinks of me and laugh when I joke and play with him, and play back. So far, so good. He's generally a quiet, sort of shy cat but when I show up he blossoms :). And when my competition talks he just nods politely, no smile, very few words, if any. And that makes me smile. I don't know where I hope this goes but for now making him smile is keeping me just peachy.

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