Sunday, June 14, 2009

An early summer nights dream

I sound raspy as shit. That's because I was screaming my head off last night at Ms. Sheila E. (Escovedo) and her daddy, Pete Escovedo at the Playboy Jazz Festival. I had a great time. Esperanza Spalding certainly didn't disappoint, and neither did Eric Darius. Although my crush on him has waned a tad because he came off corny and was wearing bullet hole jeans :/
How Elaine Bettis of me, right? It sucked that they had him on last because he seemed rushed with only 30 minutes to play, yet he still killed it. Dude was running all over the stage and STILL blowing powerfully into that saxophone, WHILE slapping high fives (one-handed playing) w/ the rich folks who got to sit close to the stage near Hugh Hefner and Jamie Foxx, who strolled in with about 15 blondes. Hugh is a pitiful looking old man. I was looking for his wheelchair. He sat slumped down in his seat wearing a captains sailor suit and white cap. It looked way past his bedtime at 8 o'clock, poor thing. All the older men seated around us were clearly geeked about his arrival and the fact that he had so many blondes in tow. As if he were some kind of idol. Yet EYE know good and damn well, at his age, Viagra is likely to kill him, so I highly doubt he's living la vida loca like they think. He's just a glorified sugar daddy. His weenis is long out of commission, I am certain.
Anyway, Sheila E brought me clear out of my seat when she MURDERED those drums they placed before her. Quest Love, eat your heart out, son, because Sheila is a monster on the drums. MONSTER. I have audio of a portion of The Death of the Drums but it was too dark for my poor camera to pick up much picture. I'll post it un momento. Then she slowed it down a bit and said into the microphone: She wears a long fur coat of mink
Even in the summer time
Everybody knows from the coy little wink
The girls got a lot on her mind

The crowd went bananas! And I damn near leapt on the head of the woman in front of me. Everybody joined in and the chorus went:

She's got, big thoughts, big dreams
and a big brown Mercedes sedan
What I think this girl, she really wants
to be in love with a man
A MANS TOUCH (this is where we're all screaming, lol)
She wants to lead the glamorous life
without love, it aint much

Raucous applause, whistles, hoots and hollering abounded. I was so SOLD. There was a sea of light toys blinking and flicking, jello shots were still soaring through the air, and the beach balls were still being tossed from section to section. It was like one big party. Pictures and audio soon come. I have to load them from my camera so expect them, oh, by this afternoon PST.
The tribute to Wayman Tisdale left much to be desired. Hugh Hefner really doesn't know jazz. He had two groups up there that I'd never heard of, putting everyone to sleep and they played for over an hour and some change. Which is why poor Eric Darius only had about a half hour to get it in with us. He was last to perform. Esperanza made me so proud to "know" her, lol. It was clear that, despite her many in-stores here in LA at Amoeba Records and the like, not many people knew who she was because they had the gall to be TALKING during some of her performance. Then, somehow, she got everyones attention and I saw people scrambling for their programs to see just who this skinny girl with poofy hair was. Like a proud parent, lol, I was all "THAT'S ESPERANZA SPALDING! YEAH, SHE'S THE BOMB!" Grinning and smug. Anyway, the show lasted from 2:3opm until 10:30pm. I was so beat when I got home. Now it's time for strawberry and whipped cream smothered waffles. G'morning :)
Esperanza ;) watch and enjoy:

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