Monday, September 21, 2009


So I got my sons geometry class changed and the insurance situation is looking better. Although, I'm still going to be out of a goo-gob of money for that out-of-network deductible. The good news is that after I pay this one doc I will have satisfied my out of network deductible so the other docs will be getting paid by my insurance company and not me. Whew! Then, after I got that news, my son's cell phone bill arrived in the mail for $167, lol. I was yelling so loud that he frantically closed the living room windows so the neighbors wouldn't hear me. Then I called the number that was listed all up and down his phone bill and realized that it wasn't actually his fault. Those gatdamn twin friends of his, Alex and Austin spent the night with us that night and I do recall them on the phone with Samantha for hours. However, had I known it was HIS phone I would've deaded that nonsense and not thought it was funny. I do admit to laughing at the time because they were singing Carl Thomas to that poor girl, lol. Dammit! If I'd only known!! Anyway, mumsie to the rescue yet again. She said she'd pay $100 of it. I apologized to Miles and gave him a stern warning to be more mindful next time.


Dylan said...

Nice blog. I'm sorry to read about the big $167 cell bill. I wanted to respond by mentioning that I work for the consumer advocacy division of the company Validas, where we electronically audit and subsequently reduce the average cell bill by 22 percent through our website, In other words, you are not the only one of us dealing with these kinds of issues and Validas guards against frivolous and unnecessary charges that over-inflate 8 out of 10 cell bills. You can find out for free if can modify your plan to better suit your usage by going to the website.

For more info, check out Validas in the national news media, most recently on Fox News at .

Good luck on further cutting your wireless costs.

Consumer Advocacy,

Anonymous said...

Damn... $167.00 for the cell phone bill? If I ever see a bill that high on my end for the celly I just may die right there. LOL... I'm glad everything else is working out though on the financial end. As for Miles, I'm sure he'll take heed for future reference.