Thursday, February 12, 2009

la di da

Today I threw my weight around and lowered my car insurance. I'm very happy about that. I got a very belated birthday surprise breakfast from my boss and coworkers and another friggin itunes gift card. It's all good, I just have no idea what I'm going to spend $50 worth of i-credit on. So, I'm open to suggestions. I found two new $200 dresses to lust over. Macy's is the devil. I just learned that I have a free ticket to the jazz fest in Vegas in April. Wooo Heeee! Gotta get gussied up for that hot date. I watched "Dan in Real Life" and ended up crying in the shower, lol. It was a brief spell, and I'm sure my hormones had something to do with it, but it really hit home. It was a really sweet, funny movie, though. Steve Carrell is wonderful. His character was a single dad, single for four years, and he just seemed sooo miserable and lonely and exasperated throughout the whole movie. I started to worry, wondering if that'll be me in a year or two :( So far, I'm still bushey tailed, happy and optimistic but watching that was kind of scary. Of course, there's a deliciously happy ending but that didnt stop me from thinking about the realness of his sitch. *sigh. So I'm preparing myself for the long haul of singledom. I figure it's going to be a LONG while before my happy ending.
I think I remember Andrea using shay butter all the time for her eczema. She looked like she dipped herself in butter religiously. I don't have eczema but my skin has been dry and itchy as hell for a while now. Like, ever since i moved into this house. It's weird. For the longest I thought it was the carpet but then i got that changed. Now I think it's the water or something, shit. It's crazy. I stay oiling myself down like i'm the tin man, lol.
It takes strength, being single. I mean, i'm holding on but for how long nobody knows. I've got hope but when I see stuff like Dan in Real Life, or have nobody but child-men coming on to me and wanting to label me a cougar, well, I just wanna ball up and cry (<--that's the pms talking. Next month I'm going to cringe when I read this). I'm not a cougar :( I want a man my own age but WHERE ARE THEY!?!?! WHY AREN'T THEY SAYING ANYTHING, the bastards!?!?! It's awful out there but I've got to stay strong. Meanwhile, this chick at my job w/ Mr. Ed choppers has ALL the luck on lock. She's 2 years divorced and just dumped someone who was wining and dining and taking her to Puerto Vallarta and Disneyland and New York for carriage rides on a whim...and then, within a few weeks she met somebody even better with more money and more clout in the entertainment industry. And I'm looking at her like "wow," slightly pissed, yet highly amused and slightly sympathetic because her grill is FUUUUCKED up and she has the body of a washboard and the conversation of a 10 year old. Yet, she seems to be winning and she's a year older than me. SO THERE'S HOPE! lol, if she can do it, I damn sure can. Right? Right. Now I'm going to go to bed so that I can get up and go to work tomorrow bright and early and listen to more of her insanely fantastic dating stories. This shit sucks.

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